The Following Script to count number of working days between two dates in MS-SQL.
Step 1
Create a User Defined WorkingDaysCount function,it is look like this
Step 2
Call User defined WorkingDaysCount function,it is look like this
Note - Date must Specify on this format - MM/DD/YYYY
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Step 1
Create a User Defined WorkingDaysCount function,it is look like this
CREATE FUNCTION Dbo.WorkingDaysCount(@StartDate DATETIME,@EndDate DATETIME) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @CurrentDate DATETIME DECLARE @Days INT DECLARE @IncrementValue INT SET @Days=0 SET @IncrementValue=0 WHILE @IncrementValue<=(DATEDIFF(DAY,@StartDate,@EndDate)) BEGIN -- Get a Current Date between two date SET @CurrentDate=DATEADD(DAY,@IncrementValue,@StartDate) IF (DATENAME(WEEKDAY,@CurrentDate) !='Sunday' ) BEGIN SET @Days=@Days+1 -- Increment Working Days Counts END SET @IncrementValue=@IncrementValue+1 END RETURN @Days END
Step 2
Call User defined WorkingDaysCount function,it is look like this
SELECT dbo.WorkingDaysCount('1/1/2011','12/31/2011') AS 'Working Days'
Note - Date must Specify on this format - MM/DD/YYYY
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